manufacturer of measuring instruments
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Universal Monitoring System MS6D, MS6R with Configurable Inputs

Complete solution for monitoring of temperature, humidity and other values in following applications.


Main advantage - user configurable inputs from PC program without any need to open the data logger unit. Each data logger contains 16 inputs for measurement and record of both analog and two-state values. Each input is individually configurable from user PC program to one from 17 measuring ranges.

The complete solution for monitoring of temperature, humidity and other values in following applications:
- Server rooms, data centers
- Food and beverages industry (HACCP)
- Pharmaceutical industry (GMP)
- Blood stations, pharmacies
- Horticulture and cultivation of plants
- HVAC - heating, ventilation, air conditioning, cooling
- Building and energy management
- Building automation
- Research and development
- Laboratories (GLP)